Web Engineering

Summersemester 2024

University of Applied Sciences, Ulm

Welcome to the website of my lecture Web Engineering.

If you are a member of our university, you can sign in to get more information.

Attention: The login name is NOT your e-mail. The form is username@hs-ulm.de. Use your normal login name and append @hs-ulm.de.

Official regulations stipulate that we may not automatically synchronize your account data with Azure AD. Each user must give their consent to the synchronization process. Once this has been done, you can log in here.

If not already done, please give your consent by opening the following page:
Goto: " Nutzung von Microsoft Azure" and click "öffnen". Then click and save the checkbox at the bottom.
It will take approximately 30 minutes fot the synchronization process to be completed. After that, try to signin.

The page "Einwilligungserklaerung" is available in German only 🥲.